
Final Contract Project

Common Boilerplate Provisions for Contracts




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standard contract provisions (government contract)

A look at some of the standardized language you'll find in many contracts.

The term "boilerplate" refers to standardized language in contracts. Although often grouped together, boilerplate provisions don't have much in common with one another except that they don't fit anywhere else in the agreement. For that reason, they are usually dumped at the end of the agreement under a title such as "Miscellaneous," "General," or "Standard."


Even though boilerplate is buried in the back of the agreement, these provisions are important. They affect how disputes are resolved and how a court enforces the contract. The effect of boilerplate is most often noticed when it is omitted from a contract -- for example, if a contract doesn't include a provision awarding attorneys' fees to the winner of a dispute and there's a breach (violation) of the contract, it may prove tough for either party to find a lawyer willing to take the case. 


Let's look at some common boilerplate provisions and what they mean.


updated: 12/14/15