

Page history last edited by abogado 10 years, 1 month ago

How and Where to Login -


Our Paralegal Program uses a Course Management System called  Etudes. You will use this system to submit your assignments, quizzes, and communicate with your online instructor and students in class.



To Start


1. You do not have to sign up as an etudes user

2. Use  a standard "login" for all of your etudes classes.

3. Standard Login
Username = your student ID (88xxxxxxx)

Passcode = your month/day of birht (eg. June 1st = 0601) 


4. Now go to the main Mission College Etudes Address - http://etudes.org    and find your class. You may not find your class until a week before classes start.

5. To get a "head start"
a. read information at http://welcome.pbworks.comParalegal Graduates

b. go to your class wiki at http://classwikis.pbworks.com and read the articles on the law (bottom of the page)
c. look at duedates at http://duedates.pbworks.com - The actual "duedates" or "assignment dates" will not be updated until a week before classes start, but it will give you an idea of what is the work in each class.
d. go ahead and order your textbook and start reading ahead.

6. Once the class is available on moodle
Click on the class to enter it. Then read all of the information at the top of the classroom page. Print out your duedates - http://duedates.pbwiki.com - read the Welcome Message - http://welcome.pbwiki.com - purchase your textbooks - http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks - read the other information related to the Paralegal Program at our main law home page - http://lamission.edu/law - remember no late work please - http://profj.us/late - and academic honesty in our program is an absolute - http://missionparalegal.com/plagiarism.htm


7. Also contact your paralegal tutors. They have all graduated from our program, and they are excellent students, and have had the same questions and problems you might have - http://paralegaltutors.pbwiki.com - For any questions please contact your online instructor. We have excellent faculty. http://lamission.edu/law/faculty.html


8. Read information on Starting Your Class at http://missionlaw.pbwiki.com/start


9. Enjoy your classes, work hard, and welcome aboard. It is nice having you all as students.


Prof J.

updated: 10/25/14


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